Dean of the Faculty: Professor Eguchi, Keiichi
Asai, Atsushi: Comparative Law; Chinese Law
Eguchi, Keiichi: Japanese Political History
Fujishiro, Kazumi: Politics; Principles of Political Science
Ishii, Yoshiya: Commercial Law
Kagami, Mitsuyuki: Chinese Politics
Kato, Katsuyoshi: Law of Criminal Procedure
Kenjo, Yukio: History of Japanese Law
Kurono, Takashige: Commercial Law
Maki, Teiji: Civil Law
Matsuura, Itsuko: Civil Law
Miyazaki, Shizuo: Labour Law
Miyoshi, Masahiro: International Law
Natsume, Fumio: Criminal Law; Criminology
Nishino, Mototsugu: Philosophy of Law
Ogawa, Toshio: Educational Administration
Obayashi, Fumitoshi: Constitutional Law
Soeda, Takashige: Civil Law
Sugiura, Ichiro: Anti-trust Law; Economic Law
Sutoo, Yuukoo: Principles of Political Science; History of European Political Thought
Hagiwara, Shigeru: Criminal Law
Katano, Saburo: Law of Civil Procedure
Matsuyama, Miwako: Commercial Law
Ogata, Yasushi: History of Asian Political Thought
Zhang, Ping: Chinese
Asai, Atsushi: Various Questions in Comparative Law and Chinese Law
Eguchi, Keiichi: Political History of Modern Japan; Research on the 15 Years War (1931`1945)
Fujishiro, Kazumi: Contemporary Politics and Social Thought
Ishii, Yoshiya: Various Problems concerned with the Commercial Law
Kagami,Mitsuyuki: Contemporary Chinese Politics, Thought, Culture and Japan
Kato, Katsuyoshi: Research on Various Fundamental Legal Problems in Criminal Procedure
Kenjo, Yukio: Research on the Criminal Judgements of the Central Court of the Tokugawa Shogunate Government
Kurono, Takashige: Fundamental Principles of the Law of Bills and Notes
Maki, Teiji: Research on Supreme Court Judgements and Cases in Civil Law; Study of Judicial Precedents and Cases in Civil Law
Matsuura, Itsuko: Studies on Torts
Miyazaki, Shizuo: Research on Important Judicial Precedents in Labour Law, and Labour Justice Cases in the Tokai Area; Study of Important Labour Law Precedents and the Reformed Labour Laws
Miyoshi, Masahiro: Studies in International Law
Natsume, Fumio: Various Problems in the Study of Criminal Law
Nishino, Mototsugu: Various Problems of Law and Morality in Modern Society
Obayashi, Fumitoshi: Japanese Constitutional Law
Soeda, Takashige: Studies on Civil Code
Sugiura, Ichiro: Various Legal Problems concerned with Modern Enterprise and Economic Law
Sutoo, Yuukoo: Research on European Political Thought and the Principles of Politics
Hagiwara, Shigeru: Present Patterns of Crime and Theory of Criminal Law
Katano, Saburo: Research on the Law of Civil Procedure
Matsuyama, Miwako: Research on Company Law
Ogata, Yasushi: Regional and Social Studies of Contemporary China